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  • Is Peanut Butter ok for Dogs? - Canine Enrichment

    Is Peanut Butter ok for Dogs?

    Is Peanut Butter ok for Dogs? A great staple for canine enrichment. The best butter for your dog is an Organic Peanut Butter specifically formulated for dogs. The Mutz Nuts...

    Nikita O'Rourke |

  • Switching to a raw dog food

    Switching to Raw Dog Food

    Switching to a raw dog food diet? – You are asking this question because 1.You have heard of the benefits of raw food for dogs. 2. Your dog is not...

    Nikita O'Rourke |

  • How to treat a dog ear infection

    Dog Ear Infection - Natural Treatment

      Some dogs are plagued with chronic ear infections, ongoing smelly discharge from the ears, itchy ears, head tilting, pain, frustration and so many other symptoms develop because of this...

    Nikita O'Rourke |

  • Natural Flea & Tick Treatments for Dogs

    Natural Flea & Tick Treatments for Dogs

    We’ve all heard about the importance of keeping our dogs protected from parasites. But why is it so important? Fleas and ticks can bring with them a host of nasty...

    Kate Lambourne |

  • How much Raw Food does my dog need?

    How much Raw Food does my dog need?

    We understand that knowing how much raw food to feed your dog can seem complicated. Especially when you need to start taking into consideration their size, life stage, activity levels,...

    Nikita O'Rourke |

  • Natural Relief for Dog Arthritis

    Natural Relief for Dog Arthritis

    There is nothing worse than seeing your dog stiff, lame, in pain and struggling on a daily basis due to arthritis. The harsh pain killers generally prescribed to manage the...

    Nikita O'Rourke |

  • Ameera

    Turmeric for Dogs

    The Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs It has been known that Turmeric is a fantastic natural supplement for humans but it also has many benefits for Dogs and through various...

    Nikita O'Rourke |