It is hard to believe we are coming to the end of another year. Time really is flying!
It is time to make sure you have enough dog food, treats, supplements and whatever else your little furbaby may need over the holidays. Obviously the most important is their present under the tree for Christmas day. Checkout our Christmas Gifts for Dogs and Cats.
Online Orders Schedule

The last day for raw orders to dispatch is December 22nd but we recommend ordering before this date. For dry orders the last day for ordering is December 23rd again though we recommend ordering before this date. Do not leave it until the last minute.
We can dispatch dry orders again on December 28th for (hopeful) delivery on December 29th but there is no guarantee on this. Please ensure you have enough food to get you through the holidays.
Full service resumes from January 3rd, orders will dispatch this day for delivery January 4th.
Shop Opening Hours – Mountmellick, Laois

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Fetch throughout 2022. We appreciate every single order that is placed and we will continue to work hard and find the best natural pet products for you in 2023.
From all the team at Fetch Your Pet Needs we wish you, your family and most importantly your furbaby a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. x